torsdag den 22. oktober 2015

Animation Designer Malaysia

Animation And Game Design Programs Create Exciting Careers


The animation and game design world is a multi-billion dollar industry. And it continues to grow. Experts predict that this trend will continue for a great number of years as people of all ages become more and more interested in this exciting field.

Since the demand for these types of services is continuously growing, there are a number of job opportunities for those individuals who possess the creativity and the drive that is needed to succeed.

This world is ever-chang…

Article Body:

The animation and game design world is a multi-billion dollar industry. And it continues to grow. Experts predict that this trend will continue for a great number of years as people of all ages become more and more interested in this exciting field.

Since the demand for these types of services is continuously growing, there are a number of job opportunities for those individuals who possess the creativity and the drive that is needed to succeed.

This world is ever-changing, so there are a variety of different industries that a degree in animation and game design can be of use. It is nearly impossible to count all of the video game providers on the market these days. And new ones seem to be popping up all of the time.

Since this industry is so incredibly competitive, it is important for young, creative minds to come up with something different. Simply having experience in graphic design is no longer enough to compete in the animation and game design industry. You need the skills to create great characters, stories and graphics and above all, make it different than what is already on the market.

If you choose to enroll in a program such as animation and game design, you will be given all of the tools that are necessary to succeed. You will be taught everything you need to know to bring your creation from a simple idea to an outstanding success.

You will learn the ropes of 3D modeling, animation, character development and design among many other exciting aspects. As you complete the various courses, you will be able to construct an outstanding portfolio that will showcase all of your skills. In this industry, an innovative and imaginative portfolio is the only way that you will be able to get prospective employers to notice you.

Since the industry is booming at such an incredible rate, you will need to prove to employers that you have what it takes to succeed. And above all, you need to be able to stand out from the crowd.

Every year, video games get more and more complex; therefore it is important to always stay on the top of your game. So even if you have completed your animation and game design degree, you should always keep an eye open on other courses that can further your skill level.

However, people with a creative mind might be able to fare well with just the basic skills. Success in this market depends on creativity and coming up with a product that hasn’t yet been seen on the market. And if you come up with the right idea or concept, you could end up quite wealthy.

With this program, you will also learn about the gaming industry itself. You will analyze trends and figure out where this industry is headed. With this knowledge, you will be ahead of the field when it comes time to design your own video game.

This can be an incredibly exciting and rewarding career if you have what it takes. Original concepts, creative story lines, interesting characters and innovative graphics are all a part of a successful video game. And with an animation and game design degree, you will learn all of these skills plus many more.

So if you want to be a part of this developing and exciting industry, start planning today for an exciting tomorrow by pursuing an animation and game design degree program.


Animation Designer Malaysia

Animation Designer Malaysia


tirsdag den 11. august 2015

Flash Designer

Flash Designer

As a group of flash designer base in Malaysia and Singapore we provide flash design services for animation and website.

If you run a portion of your business online, you know how hard it can be to get the right elements for a user friendly site with flash design.

A few years ago when the World Wide Web was still new, establishing a free website that helped your business in a measurable way was fairly simple. You registered your domain name, went to a free hosting company, grabbed a simple five to twenty-five page template, and plugged in your company information. Denver database development was a burgeoning business back then. But in the last few years, being successful on the web has become more difficult with flash designing website.


As flash design web users become more and more savvy and as websites become more and more sophisticated, the requirements for a good site have increased. What a consumer thought was usable and well designed five years ago has drastically changed. Today, your potential customers have some unspoken standards they expect to be met when they come to your site with flash designer.


Flash Designer

Flash Designer

In order to live up to these standards, you are going to have to move beyond the web templates and perhaps beyond the relatively skilled web designer. Fortunately, as the needs of internet merchants have become more complex, the abilities of Denver database development teams have advanced as well. So when you need to move beyond the basics, look for database development, Denver or otherwise, that can sit down with you and analyze your needs.


The basis of database development is simply the integration of information into a flash design program that can store, sort, and display the information pieces on command. This software can take on a number of appearances though, depending on the needs of the site flash designer.

One of the most common database development projects is for product inventory. If you think of your favorite retail website, you can picture a fine example of this type of system. Products, or in some cases, services, are stored in the database and then displayed at the user’s command by either a click or a keyword search function. Then the database serves up some related items in the margins that this type of customer might also like. Sophisticated versions of an inventory flash design system can also maintain viewing histories for each user automatically, queuing up recent searches and items of interest when the user returns.


An effective inventory database will work seamlessly both with a precise search function and with a kink-free shopping cart. It is difficult for the average site owner to create and maintain a system of this level, so Denver database development is necessary to achieve a quality experience for new and returning customers.


Database development is not limited to inventory systems though. In fact, there are a number of flash design for customized databases, including email lists culled from frequent visitors, client contact and shipping information, pricing charts and systems, as well as scheduling. If you offer your expertise on site at various locations, you can enlist the help of database developers to create a system with flash design that will allow you to plug in the dates and locations of your next appearances. Do the same with multiple store locations, maps, and personnel contact information.



3D Artist

3D Artist

Are you an 3D artist who seeks more from their art than it just being a hobby? Then getting interest in your work for it to produce an income is a must. To do this you need marketing and promotional success, which will enable you to start earning a living from your 3D artistic output.

Today we are going to talk about 10 ways you can find a market for your work and where you can learn more about what is required of you to be successful.

Before you do any painting at all, afford yourself the time to do your market research. One of the biggest reasons for 3D artists failing in their pursuit to become professional is a lack of understanding of what the market wants. Don’t be so arrogant as to assume you know everything and that what you paint is “right”.


Chances are that it isn’t, so don’t assume anything. Go out there into the World and see what’s on offer and, more to the point, what is selling. Galleries are full of pictures that don’t sell so ignore those. Ask the proprietor to show you what sells best and why and to whom?


Secondly, remember that what you are seeing for sale is what was created for last season. Most galleries stock prints these days for the mass market so you need to know what is coming next rather than what is on show now. Imagine taking inspiration from a style on display only to return with a new offering to be told that is now “old hat”.


3D Artist

3D Artist

You must ensure that you visit the trade shows to see what the publishers, independents and importers are offering next seasons market. Even this will meet you a step behind as the 3D artists on display there are already working on next season’s ideas.


However, by taking guidance from the trade show you can at least sell to the galleries armed with colours and themes in current context. Most importantly, talk to the publishers about your work and ask them about the process of presenting yourself for consideration.

If you are satisfied to sell your work as “original only” you will need to form relationships with good and reputable galleries. The value of art is in its perception by the viewer. For example, if you hang your work in an exclusive gallery, you will expect to command a much higher price than in your local town, side street, so aim high and get the best wall space you can.


Talk to several gallery owners and listen to what they have to say. Most will be honest about your work and tell you exactly how likely it is to sell in their establishment. Wall space is valuable so they won’t waste it. You will need a thick skin at times so be prepared for harsh criticism. No matter who you are, some will love your work while others will hate it.


Discuss a fair retail price based on a fair price for you and the gallery. If you are happy with a price don’t start flinching when the gallery says they will sell it for maybe over double your price. They have to charge tax for a start, then cover all their expenses and actually find you a buyer before they see any profit for their trouble. So, don’t begrudge them their share.


Wherever your work is on show, make an effort to accompany it so you can talk to prospective customers. Art buyers love to meet the 3D artist in person and you can do yourself a great deal of good by putting in an appearance if only at weekends. Talk to the Gallery, they are sure to welcome such proposals.


If you are going to sell your work yourself, make use of every opportunity to gain exposure. An excellent new way of doing this is through a fantastic new website facility called DebutDay.


This site is dedicated to bringing 3D artists to the attention of the World by beating the search engine process and parading you in front of everyone searching for what is latest on the market. It’s inexpensive and you can control what you display and how you present yourself.


It’s probably the most proactive site to arrive in a long time and will do as much to find you a publishing opportunity as it will to sell to the general public. If you are serious about your art, you must make use of this site.


When you create new works try and adopt a theme for a collection. Single pieces do little to help the buying public form an opinion about you or your work. Some will want to find an 3D artist to collect, so unless they can see more than one example of your work they will find this difficult to do.


So, don’t settle for one painting, aim for at least three or four in a set, it will do much for your credibility and will considerably assist your success.


Whatever you display for sale, make sure it is accompanied by a Title and a Written Explanation. The buying public love a story, it helps them to understand your work, gain more from the imagery and, believe it or not, such background information will assist them with a good subconscious reason for purchasing. Your information will make them an “informed buyer”. This will in turn allow them to impress their friends when they come to call.


Finally, in my experience the biggest mistakes 3D artists make is to try and be something they are not or to try and convince the public of such. Painting a woman with an eye on the side of her head does not make you Picasso so don’t try to be. 3D artists like him are famous as much for their creation of “the style” as they are for any integral 3D artistic ability.


The first rule of creativity is to be true unto yourself, unsuppressed by the need to conform to what others expect or may perceive as “art”. If you do not allow yourself this right of expression you will rarely find joy in painting.


But then you must be able to step out of the “real you” and find a way of harnessing your talent in a commercial way that may have more chance to support you until such time as your own passions are recognised as desirable enough in their own right to earn you a living.



mandag den 10. august 2015

Interior Design Company Malaysia

Interior Design Company Malaysia

We are interior design company Malaysia that provide interior design services in Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur.

In deciding on what to do in hiring an interior design company Malaysia a well thought out plan is necessary for any interior design project to be successful.

A good interior design company in Malaysia should be able to work with you to create the design that will both fit your desires and needs and that squares with your budget.


Interior Design Company Malaysia

Interior Design Company Malaysia

  1. How Much Are You Willing To Spend?

Level with the interior design company just how much you will be willing to spend on your interior design project.

Let the interior design company know just what you would feel comfortable spending. This way you can insure that the interior design company and contractor will have a clear direction on where to go with the project and not go overboard. They will have a good idea of the limits when drawing up plans and selecting materials.


  1. How Much Time Are You Willing To Devote?

You need to consider what your personal needs are and if you will be able to work around the necessary construction in your house. By consulting with an experienced interior designer you can get a good idea of how long your interior design project will take by providing a timeline that your family can plan around.


Interior Design Company

Interior Design Company

  1. What Style Are You Planning For Your Interior Design Project?

You want to give the interior design company as much information as possible. You need to do as much research as possible before your meeting with an interior design company.


First you should consult with design magazines and catalogs to get an idea of what style and design elements you would like to see for your house. To compile more ideas visit interior design showrooms, check out products and design on the internet and take notes. What are your likes and dislikes regarding color and styles. Make a scrapbook with clips from the magazines and catalogs, as well as examples of materials and design elements you would like to see in the house. Use these to show the interior designer what your vision is for the new house. Also bring a list of questions for your interior designer.


  1. How Do You Use Your House?

You need to be prepared for questions that an interior designer will ask you when you first meet with him.   Among the questions that you need to ask yourself before talking to your interior design company are:

Will you be doing a lot of entertaining with family and friends? Is your family busy during the week with lots of activities?   You should also fine out what other family members have in the way of ideas.


  1. How To Prepare For Your Interior Design Project?

You will need to prepare for the disruption that will be caused by your interior design project. But with the right planning you can make the project run as smoothly and a quickly as possible.

You need to make sure that the interior design project area and the living area are separate for both safety reasons and to stay out of the way of the contractor and his crew. You might have to set up a temporary interior design in another room of the house. What time of the year you schedule a interior design project can make it easier on everyone since in the warmer months it is possible to eat and cook outdoors.

Animation Tutorial

Animation Tutorial

Here is one of the best animation tutorial website that you can learn about 2D animation and 3D animation. With technology pushing the limits of what video games can do, a computer animation tutorial degree is one of the most sought after career certifications around. The video game industry is one that is definitely booming with no end in sight. This type of degree can lead to a fulfilling career that goes as far as the imagination leads.

For the majority of video games, animation tutorial is the heart of the product. While many never think past the shiny finished package that ends up on store shelves, there’s a whole world of preparation that must occur before a game can be allowed into the market. From concept to finished product, a video game relies on a capable animator to keep up with the slew of changes that occur before it is finished.

A vast number of elements must work together if a game is to be considered successful out on the market. With a computer animation degree, one will learn how to work with these various elements to create a viable product. Animators must also work with editors, programmers and even marketers to get the product out in a feasible amount of time.

Those who choose this line of work often do so because they love video games, technology and the plethora of gadgets that make gaming even more fun. They are able to see workable concepts and solutions in nearly every aspect of problem solving and have an aptitude for detail. With video game production being a largely collaborative effort, they are also one who enjoys working in teams.

Animation Tutorial

Animation Tutorial

3D animation tutorial

The amount and different types of technology used in the world of video games means a computer animation tutorial will definitely be required to break into the industry. It is not likely one will be able to walk in off the streets and obtain a career with little or no training. One must spend time in an accredited program learning about animation from the ground up to even land an entry-level position.

Many who opt for this type of degree find learning the curriculum to be quite enjoyable. At times it can seem like there is much to learn; however, those who choose this career have such passion for what they do, it becomes more than easy to take in. With a career as a computer animator, one will literally be able to display all that they have learned.

Although many choose video game production, the world of computer animation can lead to a vast number of other options also. This means that one will not be destined to remain in only one aspect of a career path. Over the years one can shift their career in just the direction they need to coincide with life’s changes.

Making the choice to pursue this career path requires enrolling in an accredited program. A good program not only teaches up to date skills with state of the art technology, their curriculum is approved to meet all state requirements and standards. Upon completing the required set of courses one receives their degree, allowing them to legitimately pursue the career of their dreams.

To help students ease their financial burden, many accredited programs offer financial aid to students that qualify. A financial aid specialist can help determine what options are available and help map out a plan of action using any grants or scholarships that may be available. In some cases, previous college credits may even count towards getting one’s degree.

When all is said and done, a computer animation degree can help bring a wonderful career to life. It allows one to work in a most professional but laid back environment with others who also love gaming and technology. The most satisfying career is one that combines passion with a paycheck.

søndag den 9. august 2015

Software Developer

Software Developer

We are software developer that provide software developing services for personal or commercial propose.

Are you one of those passionate drivers, looking to extract maximum power from their engines without having to sacrifice the simplicity, safety and comfort that come with owning a European car? You now have but one choice – getting a big turbo software developer!

There are many available now on the market! The unironic turbo software developer comes in a number of hardware configurations for most Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and Volvo applications. There are also programs for all setups: from street/track monsters to quarter mile beasts. For certain setups that are not yet available, you can choose the dyno tuned custom software developer, tailored to your needs. There are many factors that determine how any software developer will react to your specific setup. This turbo software developer I’m telling you about is developed in house along with a network of enthusiasts constantly testing and data-logging to ensure the best drivability. In certain cases, there will be free software developer updates released, providing the best in drive ability and performance.


Software Developer

Software Developer

The benefit of this special software development over standalone engine management is that all the original manufacturers’ safety limits and functions are retained. By properly modifying the parameters which manage the engines power delivery and output, the original startup and driving characteristics will be maintained in all climates.

 software development

The performance software development version introduces to you the smoothest and most reliable power gains available for your vehicle. All programs are precisely tuned for all driving conditions to bring you the most reliability. Professionals know that dynamo-meter test results are an over simplifications. They only tell part of the story since the engine is tested only at full throttle. You don’t drive all day with your foot to the floor. That’s why you need a performance software developing, one that will maximize the power and torque you need in everyday driving conditions, where (we drivers know!) running smooth and brisk acceleration are equally as important. The unironic performance software developing comes with an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee. The 30 day grace period will ensure that your expectations are met. If for any reason you are not satisfied, you may return it to your place of purchase for a full refund. Unitronics is all about your driving satisfaction. A risk-free satisfaction guarantee gives you total peace of mind.


Software Developer

Software Developer

And if you didn’t know, last year, in April, UNI Setting was released. This useful application, developed by unitronic for the Bosch Motronic Me7 system, allows the user to manipulate and adjust the built-in ECM adaptation channels to enhance the enthusiast’s particular setup – from stock to modified, oct specific tweaks and adjusting for larger Injectors to better suit performance and drive ability. The application is, in fact, a USB based interface (the first of its kind!) to work with any Communication interface. This device actually enables you to use your USB VAG-COM Cable Ver.A, B or C to make minor tweaks to your ECM! Be careful! If you need a VAG-Com Cable to use this amazing tool, be sure to get the Genuine Ross-Tech Vag-com Cable.


So, if the answer to my introduction question is yes, stop thinking and order from your software developer today! Get and feel the power you always wanted! You will be amazed! There is no doubt that the products of one of today’s leading innovative are specially designed to offer you the best in performance and quality!



lørdag den 8. august 2015

2D Animation

2D Animation

We are 2D Animation Company and 2D animation studio that provide 2D animation design and development, 2D animation services base in Malaysia, Singapore and other countries.

2D Animation is the technique in which each frame of a film is produced individually, whether generated as a computer graphic, or by photographing a drawn image, or by repeatedly making small changes to a model unit (see claymation and stop motion), and then photographing the result with a special 2D Animation camera. When the frames are strung together and the resulting film is viewed at a speed of 16 or more frames per second, there is an illusion of continuous movement (due to the persistence of vision). Generating such a film is very labour intensive and tedious, though the development of computer 2D Animation has greatly sped up the process.

2D Animation

2D Animation


File formats like GIF, QuickTime, Shockwave and Flash allow 2D Animation to be viewed on a computer or over the Internet.

 Animation 2D

Because 2D Animation is very time-consuming and often very expensive to produce, the majority of 2D Animation for TV and movies comes from professional 2D Animation studios. However, the field of independent 2D Animation has existed at least since the 1950s, with 2D Animation being produced by independent studios (and sometimes by a single person). Several independent 2D Animation producers have gone on to enter the professional 2D Animation industry.

2D Animation

2D Animation

 Freelance 2D Animation

Limited 2D Animation is a way of increasing production and decreasing costs of 2D Animation by using “short cuts” in the 2D Animation process. This method was pioneered by UPA and popularized by Hanna-Barbera, and adapted by other studios as cartoons moved from movie theaters to television.


Although most 2D Animation studios are now using digital technologies in their productions, there is a specific style of 2D Animation that depends on film. Cameraless 2D Animation, made famous by moviemakers like Norman McLaren, Len Lye and Stan Brakhage, is painted and drawn directly onto pieces of film, and then run through a projector.


søndag den 2. august 2015

Freelance Developer

Freelance Developer

We are a group of freelance developer and programmers base in Malaysia and Singapore, we provide website and mobile app development, here is an article about 10 Important Questions To Ask Web Developers Before Dishing Out the Dough.

Assuming you already have a fairly good idea of what you want on your web site and will more than likely be writing your own copy or having it written for you, here are 10 questions you need answered to help you create an effective web site without breaking the bank or delaying your plans.

Web Developer

Web Developer

Web Developer

1.  Price by project or by the hour?  Accepting an hourly rate agreement gives you little control over costs unless you put a spending cap into effect.  If you have to exercise the spending cap, what if your site is only partially complete?  Inevitably, you will have to dish out more dough to get it finished and this is a strain you want to avoid as you start your new business.

2.  Once the site is complete who will maintain it?  If the developer offers this service, what are the costs and turn-around time?  If you’d rather assume modification control, do they offer access to and training on editing software?

3.  What is the expected completion date for the site from website developer?  You want to be in a position to plan ahead for the launch.  Having this information will allow you to organize your marketing efforts and prioritize all other plans that tie in to “going live”.

4.  What is the payment structure?  Do they want all of the money up front?  Half now, half upon completion?  Make sure you hold back partial payment until your site is complete and you are fully satisfied with the results.

5.  Will your designer submit your site to the search engines or will this be your responsibility?  If this is your responsibility, do your homework to ensure you cover all the steps. (Keywords and META tags must be done prior to submission.)

6.  Who will be responsible for search engine optimization? This is usually an add-on service, so find out if your developer includes it with site development, offers it at an additional cost, or if you will have to contract it out to a third party.

Freelance Developer

Freelance Developer

7.  Who will hold the master key to your site? Make sure you do! Don’t leave this critical component of your business and marketing strategy in the control of a third party.  Get all passwords and access to all data.

8.  Will your developer teach you how to read your web logs/stats so you can understand the how, what, where and why of your visitors?

9.  Has the web developer designed other sites for your niche market?

10.  Has the web designer provided a portfolio, testimonials or references from others in your niche market?  Have you verified the references?

A web site is a major component of your marketing strategy and business success. Do your due diligence in selecting a web developer and don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as it takes to fully understand both your and your developer’s role in the process.

2006 © Laurie Hayes – The HBB Source



Online Furniture shop

Although there are many ways to  build good furniture, some requiring skills and equipment well beyond the reach of the average home workshop hobbyist, advanced techniques are not absolute musts in the construction of sturdy and attractive furniture.

Here are the basic considerations in home projects, and some special tips to make your job easy and inexpensive.

Why Plywood?

To build a piece of furniture of solid hardwood throughout would be an expensive deal. However, you can get much the same effect without sacrificing strength by using plywood or lumber core having an outside veneer of the wood you want your piece to be.



Plywood is a laminated product consisting of 5 or more plys of thin wood bonded together with glue and pressure to form a panel of uniform thickness and considerable strength. The strength is due to the plys being laid with the grain patterns alternately set at right angles to each other.

The top ply is a veneer of select wood and this is the surface that will show in the finished piece of furniture.

Lumber core differs from plywood in that it has a thick center core of butt-joined strips of solid wood sandwiched between four thin plys of veneer, two on each side. The top plys consist of the finish veneers which can be of any type of fine furniture wood while the plys directly underneath are laid with their grains running at right angles to the core and top plys.

Lumber core is much lighter than plywood and is highly resistant to warping. The glass-hard glue that bonds plywood and lumber core tends to dull tools, and since less glue is used in bonding lumber core, that material will be found to be easier on tools than plywood. For the same reason, it is easier to work with and is less inclined to splinter.

Building Children’s Furniture

In some cases plywood is more expensive than solid wood, but this is not usually the case. In fact, in the case of fine hardwood plywoods of 3/4-inch thickness, the price is usually less.

In any event, the home hobbyist usually finds that money-saving is not the important factor when he selects material for his project, since materials seldom exceed one-third of the value of the average cabinet or piece of furniture.

In almost all of his furniture projects, Bill Baker gears his instructions toward the use of plywood rather than solid wood, not only because of the factors of wood strength and outdoor durability, but also because of the simplicity in cutting out necessary pieces.

There is usually little waste, there are less operations required for the home hobbyist, and plywood is available in a very wide range of beautiful hardwoods. New techniques for edge treatment, such as Wood-Trim in matching veneers, also add simplicity to the job.

Duraply is plywood with a special over-lay surface; it is non-porous and is, therefore, easy and economical to paint. When finished, Duraply has a handsome appearance.

Nakora is the most handsome of economical plywoods for indoor furniture, particularly for modern furniture. Birch plywood is one of the strongest hardwood plywoods available and it is especially suited for colonial furniture. When it is stained—which it takes nicely without fill-ing—it can be made to resemble most any wood finish. Since it isn’t porous, it lends itself very well to painting and is especially good for children’s furniture.

tirsdag den 21. juli 2015

Sliding Door

Sliding Door

We are sliding door supplier base in Malaysia that provide aluminum sliding door, glass sliding door and wooden sliding door. Please visit our website for more information:

sliding door

sliding door

If you really want to bring the outdoors inside you might want to look into purchasing a sliding patio door. This is a wonderful product for opening the exterior wall so that the room embraces the yard. The sliding patio door has become a fixture in many homes for good reason.

While a nice bay window is lovely and it does open up the wall to a great view it just doesn’t match the useful beauty of a sliding glass door. The window does not give you access to your porch and most bay windows are very expensive. You can achieve a great, open look without spending way too much money in the process.

The sliding patio door is basically utilitarian in nature but it is also aesthetically pleasing in design. Not only does it serve as a convenient porthole to your patio space, it also opens the room bringing some of the natural beauty of the outdoors inside. The sliding patio door serves a couple purposes.

Sliding Door Malaysia

You also can benefit from its smart design that does not require swing space for the door to open. Since the sliding patio door slides open rather than swinging into the home you have a lot more space in the surrounding area. This is wonderful for smaller houses that really benefit from the illusion of open space as well as the extra square footage in the room.

While we were in the process of adding a patio to our home we decided to check into our options for an opening to the new addition. I really liked the look of French doors but I didn’t like the fact that they took up way too much space. They also didn’t give the necessary protection from the cold during the winter months as the sliding patio door offered.

The sliding patio door was a much better option for our needs and I am glad that we chose the beautifully functional unit for our home. In fact, I really love the sliding patio door every time I was windows in my house. The French doors would have been a bear to keep clean.

The convenient new opening has afforded us the luxury of having great summer cookouts that would have been impossible with our small yard as well as our small home. Now guests have more than twice the space because the deck is easily accessed with the sliding patio door.

mandag den 20. juli 2015

Office Interior Design

Office Interior Design

Organized and creative work environment helps stimulate minds and leads to innovation and thus makes a better atmosphere to work. So it seems creating such workspace is one of the important factors in any kind of work. To make work environment useful and pleasant we should take interior design into consideration.

To achieve the best design for your office we need to find out precisely the kind of culture you want to create, the identity that you want to convey to your customers about your company or firm, how you want your staff feel and interact in the office environment. Is your office just where work gets done or you face clients in your office, too?

After determining answer of these important questions we start to evaluate possibilities and constraints of your workspace and think of a long term plan which considers your current and future requirements.

Office interior design

Office interior design

We consider all rooms and cases in your office which some of them are mentioned below:
The Reception

To make a good impress on clients, the reception area needs to be designed suitably because it’s the first place in your office where visitors and clients interact with. So its design can help to attract customers.
The Conference

To hold top class discussions and meetings with your clients and give them a great impress of your company, you need a well-designed conference room. In the process of designing we consider all details including facilities and features which are required to make a meeting successful.
The lighting

Office lighting impress on the quality of work, staffs mood and how the design looks like. It can turn a cold and monotonous office to a warm and inviting one.

The design of ceiling significantly contributes to the lighting of the office.
The Flooring

In office flooring design, in addition to appearance, materials are important which depend on the function of a given area and its requirements.
The Toilets

The design of toilets may not seem as important as other rooms but it represents that how much your company cares about comfort and cleanliness.

Office Interior Design

Organized and creative work environment helps stimulate minds and leads to innovation and thus makes a better atmosphere to work. So it seems creating such workspace is one of the important factors in any kind of work. To make work environment useful and pleasant we should take interior design into consideration.

To achieve the best design for your office we need to find out precisely the kind of culture you want to create, the identity that you want to convey to your customers about your company or firm, how you want your staff feel and interact in the office environment. Is your office just where work gets done or you face clients in your office, too?

After determining answer of these important questions we start to evaluate possibilities and constraints of your workspace and think of a long term plan which considers your current and future requirements.

Office interior design

Office interior design

We consider all rooms and cases in your office which some of them are mentioned below:
The Reception

To make a good impress on clients, the reception area needs to be designed suitably because it’s the first place in your office where visitors and clients interact with. So its design can help to attract customers.
The Conference

To hold top class discussions and meetings with your clients and give them a great impress of your company, you need a well-designed conference room. In the process of designing we consider all details including facilities and features which are required to make a meeting successful.
The lighting

Office lighting impress on the quality of work, staffs mood and how the design looks like. It can turn a cold and monotonous office to a warm and inviting one.

The design of ceiling significantly contributes to the lighting of the office.
The Flooring

In office flooring design, in addition to appearance, materials are important which depend on the function of a given area and its requirements.
The Toilets

The design of toilets may not seem as important as other rooms but it represents that how much your company cares about comfort and cleanliness.

Malaysia Club

Malaysia Club

Here you can find the list of Malaysia club, and an article about 8 Reasons Why You As A New To Fly Fisherman Should Join A Club.

Malaysia Club

Malaysia Club

I still remember watching my dad up to his waist in a rushing Colorado stream casting flies for trout. I was too young for that kind of fishing (although at the age of six I had caught a trout off the bridge in front of our home, using a spinning reel and a worm).

It fascinated me to watch the glistening line whipping repeatedly back and forth over his head as he sought to get enough distance to put the fly where he wanted it.

The memory of the heavy strikes and the subsequent fights with lunker trout (that we ate that night) drove me to fly fishing later in life, but I took it up with certain amount of trepidation.

I have to admit I was somewhat intimidated. Fly fishing took a lot of skill, I thought. More that I felt I had.


Arguably, fly fishing takes just a little more skill, or “know-how”, as my dad might put it, than other forms of fishing.

Matching up your equipment is just the beginning, learning to cast takes practice, not just to get familiar with how the reel works as it spools off line, but to gain the dexterity to place the fly where it needs to go — to drop it right in front of a lunker you suspect is lying in a pool behind that big rock.

Then comes fly tying — not really necessary — but a skill that puts you miles ahead of the fisherman that buys flies off the shelf, who can’t “match the flies to hatch”, or create them “on the spot”.

More skill than you or I possess, you may ask? No, not necessarily. Not if you find and associate with the right people, those who already possess the skills, and are more than willing to impart them to you.


At first glance, fly fishing seems a solitary sport. While you might see more than one fly fisherman wading in a stream or a lake, they appear to be pretty isolated from one another, not exactly like a bunch of golf buddies pulling a cart and shooting above par.

The fact is that that individual fly fisherman probably has a lot of “back-up” contacts and friends; you just can’t see them because they’re all part of the club he belongs to.

He as acquired many of his skills by associating with other people.


In our busy schedules, clubs take time away from other things we probably should be doing. In many cases, clubs are time wasters, put together by people who have an obsession with following “Robert’s Rules of Order”.

Fly fishing clubs, however, are close to a necessary item on the fisherman’s menu — that is if he also wants to include fish on that same menu.

There are many reasons for joining a club. By associating with enthusiastic fellow fisherman at a higher (and lower) experience level than your own, you can

— discover more about your equipment.

— learn how to choose rods, reels, line, and gear.

— hone your basic skills. Get tips about such things casting, fly selections and determining “where the fish are” in a variety of environmental situations.

— learn how make equipment. Maybe you’d like to make your own fly rod from a blank or discover what equipment and materials you need to tie flies.

— uncover the best places to go to catch fish. Fly fishermen will divulge these things to friends they respect.

— plan trips and vacations. A fishing trip is not a trip unless you take people you like and are as enthusiastic as you are.

— help those less experienced. It’s always good to impart what you know. It’s said that a teacher best learns his own craft by teaching others.

— experience the camaraderie that comes with getting together with like minded enthusiasts.


Fly fishing clubs can be national, regional, local, or ones that are strictly internet based. Many cater to beginners or focus on fly tying or other techniques.

Three notable National Clubs are

— Federation of Fly Fishers

— International Women Fly Fishers

— Trout Unlimited

These clubs are dedicated to education and preservation of cold water species and habitats, and are great for educational opportunities.

Regional and local fly fishing clubs such as those indigenous to your state or city may provide a little more of the camaraderie you’re looking for, as well as information that you can apply to waters you’ll find where you live.

Internet clubs may be fun to join as well. You can post to forums and get tips by internet messenger or email.

Clubs you can find in your city or neighborhood may be the best for getting the kind of “hands on” experience you’re looking for. Check with your local bait and tackle shops for information on what’s available, and if you can’t find one, start one. Those same bait and tackle shops will jump at the chance of posting fliers for you and recommending their customers.


Each type of club caters to a different need, and you might find it beneficial to join more than one. By doing so, you’ll find you’re not alone.

Even if you’re out in the stream by yourself, you’re surrounded by your friends in the club. When you see that fish rise, when it slams into your fly, your ears will ring with their enthusiastic support —

“Now, don’t horse him in, give him his head!”

“Keep your line tight.”

“Okay, now he’s tired, you can start bringing him in.”

“Keep your rod tip up.”

And finally,


No, with your new-found club friends, you’re definitely no longer alone.

Interior Designer

Interior Designer

We are Interior Designer group base in Malaysia that provide interior design services. Here are an article about 5 essentials of a successful living room design project.

Living room is a place in the home, which has got a very special importance as far as planning is concerned. If a schematic plan of the home is drawn it can be easily concluded that in almost every home plan the living room has got maximum area in unit squares.

You can find more about us in google plus interior designer in Malaysia or also our facebook page about interior designer.

This itself is an indication that the living room is a space that needs some good attention during the entire home decorating project. Let’s try to note down some essentials of a good and successful living room design.

Interior Designer

Interior Designer

1) Clear Circulation Space>>

In any home plan whether it is an apartment block or an independent bungalow a person either enters an “entrance lobby” or directly in the living room (if space is an issue). From this living room entrances open to all other spaces namely kitchen, bedrooms, staircases if any, patios, study rooms, family rooms etc..

That’s why while interior designing a furniture layout it must be kept in mind that the circulation is unobstructed. this can be easily achieved by creating a sample furniture layout on paper first and then the furniture arranged thereafter.

2) Visual Balance>>

Create a good visual balance between the used and unused spaces. By used space I mean the floor that has been occupied by the furniture pieces. It is not necessary to fill every corner of the living room with some furniture element. But as mentioned above a bare minimum circulation space is a must.

Since the main entrance of the entire home is only through the living room (most of the times) allow buffer space to carry the other heavy furniture pieces that are to be placed in the bedrooms such as double beds, wardrobes etc. All these object need to carried through the living room and installed in the bedroom. So think for your entire home, not just the living room.

Interior Designer Malaysia

Interior Designer Malaysia

3) Future Emergency Occupancy>>

Think about what will happen if you throw a party at your place. All your friends/relatives/colleagues will gather in the living room. So plan for this extra occupancy. What will you do in such situations for seating. Will you move your dining chairs in the living or will people stand or even sit on the ground. Whatever your decision plan for future.

4) Ventilation>>

If the living room is considerably large, than in most cases it also has a higher ceiling. This is very perfect for the proportions of the space. So think about ventilating this space naturally and artificially as well. If you are going to use fans then will these be hung from the ceiling or be wall mounted.

Malaysia Interior Designer

Malaysia Interior Designer

5) Warm and Welcoming Color Scheme>>

As a general rule always keep your living room charming using bright color scheme, that has a welcoming attitude. As mentioned above the living room interior design is the first space you will see when you enter you home, so make it a point to use inspiring colors of your choice to add a touch of beauty.

Use of indoor flowering plants around the window bottom is also a great way to add some extra interest in the living room.

You can always ask for help from a freelance interior designer.

In this article I have tried to throw some light upon the living room design ideas, I hope this helps as a starting point for you to think more creatively to decorate your living room.

Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya

Web Designer Company

Web Designer Company

We are website designer company that provide website design for personals and companies.


Online marketing is not cheap. You can spend thousands of dollars on Pay Per Click (Google Adwords) and thousands of site-targetted dollars (AdBrite), and you can spend thousands just buying text links from individual sites. Trust me, I’ve spent thousands on advertising.

However, my favorite form of marketing is the free kind. Anything free I like, especially if it helps my websites make more money without increasing my advertising costs.

Here are three easy and quick ways to market your website without a website designer at no additional cost.

1. Free Business Cards

Free business cards are a staple in my advertising arsenal. You can leave them everywhere and give them to anyone. The best part is, they are free! Use them where you want, when you want, and as often as possible. That is the motto I live by whenever I get a shipment of free business cards in the mail.

2. Link Exchanges

Link exchanges are a great way of spreading Page Rank, but also of sharing visitors. Most people who like a site will bookmark it. After they have read everything they want, they will read the site that you link to. You get the visitors, and share the visitor through a link exchange.

Website Designer Company

Website Designer Company

Website Designer

3. Business card networking

After you designed your website by a website designer and you have received your free business cards, use them to network with other people. Everytime you meet someone, hand them one of your free business cards. After that, ask for one of their business cards in exchange. If they don’t have one, make sure you mention what you do, and the website address that is also listed on your free business card. Free business cards make a great networking tool if you will put them to use. Never forget, they are free, and should not be used sparingly. Use them in any situation you can think of. People will take them home and visit your site when they pull your business card out of their pocket.
Website Designer Malaysia

With those three free website marketing ideas, your website will not only be more successful, but you won’t have to spend any of your hard earned money on marketing!

Website Designer

Website Designer

søndag den 19. juli 2015

Animation Company

Animation Company

We are animation company base in Malaysia and Singapore, the animation and game design world is a multi-billion dollar industry. And it continues to grow. Experts predict that this trend will continue for a great number of years as people of all ages become more and more interested in this exciting field.

Since the demand for these types of services is continuously growing, there are a number of job opportunities for those individuals who possess the creativity and the drive that is needed to succeed.

This world is ever-changing, so there are a variety of different industries that a degree in animation designer can be of use. It is nearly impossible to count all of the animation company providers on the market these days. And new ones seem to be popping up all of the time.

Animation Company

Animation Company

Animation Company Malaysia

Since this industry is so incredibly competitive, it is important for young, creative minds to come up with something different. Simply having experience in graphic design is no longer enough to compete in the animation and game design industry. You need the skills to create great characters, stories and graphics and above all, make it different than what is already on the market.

If you choose to enroll in a program such as animation and game design, you will be given all of the tools that are necessary to succeed. You will be taught everything you need to know to bring your creation from a simple idea to an outstanding success.

You will learn the ropes of 3D modeling, animation, character development and design among many other exciting aspects. As you complete the various courses, you will be able to construct an outstanding portfolio that will showcase all of your skills. In this industry, an innovative and imaginative portfolio is the only way that you will be able to get prospective employers to notice you.

Animation Company Malaysia

Animation Company Malaysia

Animation Company Singapore

Since the industry is booming at such an incredible rate, you will need to prove to employers that you have what it takes to succeed. And above all, you need to be able to stand out from the crowd.

Every year, video games get more and more complex; therefore it is important to always stay on the top of your game. So even if you have completed your explainer animation design degree, you should always keep an eye open on other courses that can further your skill level.

However, people with a creative mind might be able to fare well with just the basic skills. Success in this market depends on creativity and coming up with a product that hasn’t yet been seen on the market. And if you come up with the right idea or concept, you could end up quite wealthy.

With this program, you will also learn about the gaming industry itself. You will analyze trends and figure out where this industry is headed. With this knowledge, you will be ahead of the field when it comes time to design your own video game.

Animation Company Singapore

Animation Company Singapore

This can be an incredibly exciting and rewarding career if you have what it takes. Original concepts, creative story lines, interesting characters and innovative graphics are all a part of a successful video game. And with an animation and game design degree, you will learn all of these skills plus many more.

So if you want to be a part of this developing and exciting industry, start planning today for an exciting tomorrow by pursuing an animation and game design degree program.

Animation Forum

Animation Forum

Please check here to go to animation forum or you can use the below link to go to animation forum:

The word anime is almost synonymous with Japanese culture, where it is as much a part of society as the newspaper or magazine.  Most anime are actually derived from their manga (comic) counterparts, and the word is basically an abbreviation of animation, but specifically cartoon or comic animation.  In fact, manga is a very popular form of literature in Asian countries, and a lof of manga titles are actually have a historical or contemporary flavour to it.

However, it might surprise many to know that there is not a lot of differences between Western and Eastern animation.  Both share many common techniques and approaches, but perhaps Western animations have been trending towards using more sophisticated technology.  Many of the most famous creators of anime still prefer to do things using the traditional methods, and are less reliant on computers and technology.

Animation Forum

Animation Forum


The biggest difference between the two styles of anime are probably the types of genres explored in the animation, and some of the peculiar features that are only found in Eastern animation.

Since anime and manga is such a big part of Eastern culture (you can find manga book shops everywhere in countries such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan), it tends to be more broad in the topics covered.  Themes such as sports, relationships, history, military, political, humour and medicine or science have all been the subject of anime.  In fact, there is probably an anime or manga for just about anything that you can think of.  However, Western culture seem to be very specific with its animations, and tend to focus on heroes and villians, actions and consequences.

Some of the most interesting features of Asian anime is the use of dialogues within the dialogues.  That is, as a particular scene is unfolding, there will be commentary from the characters within the animation providing a third person perspective from people involved in the plot.  Also, the interplay between imaginary and real-life is often strong, with characters able to take words out of their speech bubble, or pull out various instruments from empty space.

To give you a taste of Japanese anime, and understand soem of the things we’ve been talking about, have a look at some of the most popular Japanese:  Naruto, Blackjac, Eyeshield 21, Slam Dunk.  If there is something you are interested in, you will almost certainly find an anime or manga that covers the topic.  So why not take a look in your favourite bookstore today, you never know just what you’ll discover.

lørdag den 18. juli 2015

Website Designer Malaysia

Website Designer Malaysia

We are website designer Malaysia Company that provide Website Design in Malaysia,

Have you noticed yet that more and more people around the world want to work from home and make money online?

Have you ever wished you could just wake up whenever you want, have a cup of coffee, turn on your computer, work for a couple of hours online, and then spend your time with your family and hobbies? Indeed, working from home gives a lot of benefits, freedom and income.

However, many people wrongfully think that making good money online requires a website and huge investment. Here’s a fact: you can start making hundreds of dollars per month within weeks with no upfront fees and even without a website and website designer.


Affiliate marketing allows you to earn commissions for selling other people’s products or services online. As you study every word of this article you will become amazed at how easy it will be for you to get started earning cash on the Internet because you can join any affiliate network at no cost.

Website Designer Malaysia

Website Designer Malaysia

Website Designer

Freelance website designer.

For example, you can join Clickbank.

In order to learn more about marketing Clickbank products, make sure to read their website, FAQs and information in your member’s area.

Then go to Clickbank’s “Marketplace” and browse the categories that interest you. When you find a product that interests you, visit it’s pitch page and read the sales letter. I even suggest you buying the product that interests you. You’ll understand why this will increase your affiliate earnings by the time you finish reading this article.

When you find a product that you would like to promote, press on the “Create Hoplink”, enter your nickname that you have entered when joining Clickbank and create your affiliate link (hoplink) which you will be marketing on the Internet at no cost.

In order to make money online, you’ll have to promote your affiliate link by using any of the 3 methods that don’t require a website:

1) Forum posting

2) Article writing

3) Pay-per-click (PPC) search engine marketing

But before you can start using any of the above methods, I must warn you that each of them requires your time and work. If you think that it’s easy money, you’d better go watch TV or keep browsing the Internet.

But let me confess something: If you are like me, and if you are ready to put some time and effort, in the next few minutes you’re going to learn how to transform your life and start making cash on the Internet by marketing affiliate programs.

Marketing your affiliate link via forums in website designer Malaysia.

One of the easiest ways for beginners to earn affiliate commissions is to post comments in forums related to the product that you have chosen to market.

Now follow my path. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine and find online forums related to the theme of your product. Create an account at each forum. Then go to update your profile and create a signature with your Clickbank hoplink. You can do that later after you have done some comment posting and see how other marketers use their links in their signatures.

Then you should browse the topics where you can provide useful tips and answers to the questions that people ask. If you have bought the product that you want to promote and you are happy with it, you should tell others about it’s benefits and how it helped you.

Consider this that it’s not enough to post a couple of comments and expect to earn thousands in commission. You should select several forums that interest you and keep visiting them and posting comments for at least a month. Try not to sell your product but help people. When you have posted hundreds of comments, people will treat you as an expert and the sales will start rolling in.

After you have spent some time posting comments to forums, you should notice that some topics and questions are asked again and again. If you already know how to help people, you should start writing articles and promote your affiliate links in them.

Affiliate marketing using article distribution

In order to get started you should visit some article directories,

Find articles that deal with the topic of your product and read them. Notice the “Author Bio” section at the end of most articles? It’s the place where you’ll market your affiliate link too.

But before you can start marketing, you should write your article. It’s really easy. Don’t say that you cannot write. If you can post comments in forums, you can write articles!

Simply, think about helping people, about the problems they try to solve in forums.

Now take a sheet of paper and start writing. The articles don’t have to be long. Just describe the problem and how it should be solved.

Then register with some article directories, write your “Author Bio” section with your hoplink and submit your article.

For maximum results, try to write and submit at least one article per day for at least one month. If readers love your articles, they’ll visit your link and buy from you. Webmasters will publish your articles on their websites and newsletters. At the end of the month you should see some affiliate commission in your Clickbank account.

Pay-per-click search engine marketing

When you have received your first checks from Clickbank, you should consider promoting your product using pay-per-click search engines. However, notice that this method requires payment for each click and may be quite complicated for beginners.

Some PPC search engines may even give you a sign-up bonus of up to $200, so it’s worth doing a research online and signing up.

In order to increase your affiliate earnings, you should also consider learning how to mask your affiliate links and how to track which marketing methods provide the most revenue.

You should also try to join other affiliate networks and promote different products and services.

As you can see, you can start making money online quickly, even if you don’t have any money or website. Don’t give up too soon, find and read more information about affiliate marketing and your success is guaranteed!

Find us in google plus:

Freelance Website Designer

Interior Designer

Interior Designer

We are interior designer base in Singapore, as a group of interior designer we provide residential and commercial building interior design services.

Here are 10 important guidelines for Singapore interior designer for your kitchen design project.

1. For efficiency, the work triangle (the space between the sink, refrigerator, and stove) should measure 26’ or less with no single side longer than 9’, or less than 4’.

2. In kitchens smaller than 150 sq. ft., opt for at least 13’ of base cabinets, 12’ of wall cabinets, and 11’ of countertop. In kitchens which are larger, go with at least 16’ of base cabinets, 15 1/2’ of wall cabinets, and 16 1/2’ of countertop.

3. For convenience, plan work aisles to be at least 42” wide for one cook, and at least 48” wide in multi-cook kitchens.

4. Specify a minimum of 24” of counter space on one side of the sink and at least 18” on the other.

Interior Designer

Interior Designer

Interior Design Company Singapore

5. To create the most accessible landing for unloading groceries, allow at least 15” of counter space on the handle side of a standard refrigerator; on both sides if it’s a side-by-side model. Or include a landing area directly across from the refrigerator, but no more than 48” away.

6. For cleanup ease, install the dishwasher within 36” of one edge of the sink and allow for at least 21” of standing room next to it.

7. For microwaves and ovens, provide at least 15 “ of counter space nearby, at least 16” deep.

8. For optimum clearance, no entry, appliance, or cabinet doors should interfere with another.

9. For comfort and to help avoid repetitive-motion injury, plan for work counters of different heights; between 28 and 36” off the floor (easier for chopping and seated-use access), and between 36 and 46” for general tasks (higher counters accommodate taller cooks).

10. To install a cabinet unit above the cook top, make sure the clearance is at least 24” for a fireproof surface, 30” for an unprotected surface.

Designing a kitchen is as much a science as it is an art. Knowing the recommended measurements to use when planning the project can make all the difference in the final outcome.

Freelance Interior Designer Malaysia

Freelance Interior Designer Malaysia

Freelance Interior Designer Malaysia, as a San Francisco based artist and creator of beautiful things, I strive to design the details of my life so that my experience of beauty is enhanced to the maximum. It’s what I call Artful Living. One of my inspirations is beautiful fabric. What’s yours?

My business is sewing for custom interiors and  I get great  pleasure from working with exquisite fabrics.  Flowing silks, crisp linens and the bright flowers of a waxy cotton chintz are a delight to the senses. My featured fabric from the house of Fortuny is one of my favorites.

What I love about my work is collaborating closely with clients to create the houses they want to live in and feel great about. Making everything from bedding, window treatments and pillows, I create something exquisite every day. I have extended the rich sensual experience of my work into my philosophy of Artful Living.

Freelance Interior Designer Malaysia

Freelance Interior Designer Malaysia


Freelance Interior Designer

Artful Living can encompass the materials, the texture, the color and the form of the everyday items with which you surround yourself. Life is a feast and you can take every opportunity to enjoy it’s pleasures by enriching your daily experience with beauty. Live Artfully by:
Freelance Interior Designer

Have Your Special Signature Piece  – Take an everyday item like your handbag,  your tote or a scarf  and make it your special signature piece. A unique expression reflective of you! For instance, one day in a great hurry, Babe Paley socialite and trend setter in the 50’s and 60’s, tied her Hermes scarf to the handle of her handbag thereby creating a fashion craze. Everyone who was anyone immediately did the same.

Uplift and Enrich Yourself in Small Details – It isn’t what you possess but how you make the most of it by presenting and arranging it. Consciously design your life as an antidote to the pervasive stress of the 21st century. Choose the details of your surroundings to uplift and enrich your life.  Perhaps it is something that was made especially for you, or something that reminds you of a joyful time. Whenever I look  at the small Florentine paper picture frame which sits on my bookcase, I am instantly transported to that magical shop under the Ponte Vecchio and the soft, warm light of a spring evening.  What small item takes you to a favorite corner of the world?

Freelance Interior Designer Malaysia

Freelance Interior Designer

Freelance Interior Designer

Be Environmentally Friendly – Your artifacts can be fashioned from salvaged, recycled, reused or renewable materials. You might think that this does not sound sexy but you can have beauty and be kind to the planet at the same time.  I reuse vintage Japanese kimonos to make beautiful pillows and totes. My clients love them because they are extremely limited pieces, made especially for them from high-quality fabrics with prints that are no longer loomed. It’s a real thrill to have your own custom pillow, tote or accessory in a fabric that will never be made again.
Freelance Interior Designer

Interior Designer Malaysia

Interior Designer

Interior Designer

Be a Pebble in the Pond – As the ripples spread out from one small pebble dropped into a pond, you can give others the gift of Artful Living by simply embodying it yourself. Others will perceive and enjoy your increased sense of vivaciousness as you unselfconsciously go about sporting your signature piece. Just think of how good you feel when someone compliments you on your good taste and style.  You can also artfully maintain the details of your work environment. I often benefit with improved mood and vitality by keeping a fresh cut flower (a red, orange or yellow Gerber Daisy is my favorite) in a small elegant Japanese ceramic vase. I keep it next to my computer and a couple of times a day or so, the color and fragrance affords me a wonderful contemplative get-away into beauty. It lets me refocus on my work with a renewed sense of vigor. You can experience the same benefits with your own personal artful design. By expressing the radiance that is your true nature, you will enhance your own life and the lives of others in surprising ways!

Get ready for an abundance of fresh ideas, energy and new beautiful items to enhance your living!

Interior Designer Kuala Lumpur

fredag den 17. juli 2015

3D Character Designer

3D Character Designer

3D Character Designer

3D Character Designer

3D Character Designer

We are 3D character designer, here is an article about character and 9 Characteristics That Millionaire Businesspeople Have in Common.

In May 2005, Forbes magazine reported that there were 691 billionaires in the world. 1400 people across the world turn into millionaires every day. Want to become one of them? Of course you do. Everyone wants the freedom to do business in the way they choose. There is so much power in running your own business – and having a business that runs itself, which for many people is the ultimate goal.


Making money is not the only goal of becoming an internet millionaire – it’s about freedom. Many people across the world are gifted with experiencing this freedom everyday.  How can you become one of these people? What kind of life, and business, do you want to run? Would you like to be able to check your email from your private plane? These are the kinds of goals many people have in mind when they begin to forge ahead with their business ideas. But the truth is that the rich and the successful – the millionaires off and online – have about nine characteristics in common, not that different from a lot of people we all know. Most of them exhibit some or all of these. The truth is that we all have the potential for greatness – if we can train ourselves to keep this in mind as we go about our business day.

1. They don’t blame.  Successful businesspeople don’t blame others. Instead of making excuses for bad outcomes, or reassigning responsibility to others, they take time to learn from their own mistakes.

2. They are decisive. Millionaire-types have a vision. They take quick, decisive action aligned with that vision. They’re action oriented, always pushing forward toward their goals.

3. They trust their intuition. If something seems like it’s not quite right, they trust that instinct. If an opportunity excites them and sounds like a great idea, they go for it.

4. They are singly focused on their CORE business.  Successful entrepreneurs may be inspired by ideas, but they always remain true to their vision. They focus on opportunities that are aligned with their business’s purpose. If you sell retail products on eBay, don’t try real estate investing the next day. They don’t lose focus. They may sell their products on eBay, write articles, focus on joint ventures, and go to marketing seminars, but all of their efforts, and FOCUS, help them move toward their main goals.

5. They are marketing focused. Millionaires, including such giants as Bill Gates, understand the importance of building on their core business. They hire people with specialties in marketing. They work hard at building their email lists, gaining exposure, and are constantly looking for ways to reaching a wider audience.  If you want to build a decent income, you sell products and services.  If you want to be insanely rich, then you create and control markets. The key to your business, and creating phenomenal success, is marketing.

6. They understand the importance of continuing education. Successful businesspeople are always learning and drawing from other people’s experiences. They listen to how other people have achieved their success, especially if these people have expertise in another industry. They are constantly learning about new approaches and strategies, and thinking about how they can apply it to their own business.

7. They are not afraid of making mistakes. Any big company online will tell you that they’ve had their share of downfalls, even such giants as eBay or Craig’s List. Mistakes are building blocks for success – by making mistakes, you learn what works, and what doesn’t. You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going. We all make mistakes, and one of the most powerful things you can do is glean feedback from them. Feedback is a great way to learn from your customers and colleagues. You need to look at feedback and take it with a grain of salt – it helps you learn and grow. See your mistakes as learning lessons

8. They model their business for success. Internet millionaires model other people, strategies, and systems. They constantly look for models of success in everyday life and think about how to incorporate these lessons into their own strategy. They even look at their competition for answers. Whatever niche you’re in, subscribe to some industry newsletters, buy their products, and learn HOW they create success.

9. They build a team to rely on. No matter what stage you are in with your business, you’ve got to realize that you simply cannot do it all. You can’t be an expert in everything.  You want to create a great team of people. How can you find them? Go to seminars and workshops. Hone your networking skills. You’ll often find that like minded people that are out there constantly learning and attending, seminars and workshops. Getting rich is a team sport.  You have to have people that are cheering you on, encouraging your success.

These are some inherent characteristics of business millionaires. Can you apply them to your business and your life, too? Of course you can. If you can keep these principles in mind, you’ve got the millionaire mindset. No, you aren’t going to get there overnight. Making a million dollars takes some time. You can’t make a million dollars if you haven’t made your first hundred. So focus on the first hundred, first thousand, and first hundred thousand. Thinking this way goes a long way toward your goals – finding success, gaining riches, and living the kind of life you want to live.

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3D Rendering Singapore

3D Rendering Singapore


Would You Be Able to Tell a Computer-made 3d Rendering Singapore from a Real Photograph?

You’ve seen those neat 3d wallpapers everyone has these days: the scenery and everything in it has a perfect molten metal look, which looks good enough to eat. Of course they don’t jump out of the screen like in those old movies that required a pair of special glasses; 3d Renderings, the kind computers make these days, are remarkable for a different reason: they are perfectly shaped, with perfect lighting, reflection, perspective and texture. For this qualities they feel as real and three-dimensional as a real photograph. How exactly is this effect achieved though?


Those old black-and-white, or should we say black and sepia Mickey Mouse cartoons when they first appeared seemed three-dimensional compared to the stick figure felix the Cat animations people were used to looking at before. Until Fantasia appeared; then those breathtaking color images seemed pretty much three-dimensional as compared to the monochrome Mickey Mouse that came before. Do you see a trend here? The more real-world details a Rendering is endowed with, the more your brain is willing to feel that it is being shown the real thing – until it grows used to it. The more the computing power available rises today, the more real-world details an animator is able to bring in. What kind of details might trick our modern jaded eyes the best way then today?


3D rendering Singapore

3D rendering Singapore

A soccer ball is a great way to understand how a computer makes 3d renderings. If you have ever seen one, they make those balls sewing together the 32 individual five- and six-sided polygons (pentagons and hexagons) of leather into a perfect sphere. A polygon is a basic unit of the computer graphics engine in any computer. When you want a shape, any kind, the computer figures out how to draw one out of an arrangement of an assortment of triangles and polygons, just the way a soccer ball is made out of 32 polygonal panels. Once a skeleton made of polygons is in place, the computer needs to figure out a number of other things: what kind of surface the skeleton is to have, hard and shiny or soft and dull; the surface needs to be reflecting light a certain way, and its color is to shine or dull out depending on where the light is shining from.


A real object doesn’t really need to think about how each visible quality turns out: it just is the way it is. And the way it is just happens to be incredibly varied and complex. The shape itself has such a fine texture of infinite depth; it reflects and absorbs light in a hundred ways. Even a simple rock is not a uniform material all over. This then, is one of the best ways to make a 3d rendering look real: to patiently give it as many different textures all over, and make them reflect light in different realistic ways.


Students at any computer graphics school often like to take a challenge where they paint in a 3d rendering into a real photograph, say, a computer-drawn hat on the head of a man in a photograph, only to pass their handiwork around and ask people to find out if the hat is real or artificial. You would be surprised how many people get it wrong.